Wednesday, March 28, 2007

saying more good byes

so i guess i sort of lied in my last entry; it took me twenty minutes just to upload a picture from my computer because i am using a dial-up connection for internet, which is slower and more annoying than 5:00 traffic when your 10 minutes late. to add to my frustrations, the picture was in the wrong spot and i spent three days trying to get it off or move it to the right spot. i'm not kidding- i worked on it, for what seemed like hours,the first night and when it was getting late i saved it to work on the next day; on the second day, after half an hour and feeling the urge to rip out my hair, i put it away again for another day. third lucks a charm!

my first weekend in Calmar, or as i say Edmonton since very few people have heard of of this town with a "down town" that stretches four whole blocks, we celebrated Chase's (the cutest nephew EVER) first birthday! ohhhh, how am i going to bring my self to say good bye to that face?

grandma brown's car only sat for five hours and look at all that snow! my aunt helen watched from her store as i dusted off grandmas car. hearing a yelp from the other side of the car i realized i had dusted some snow on grandmas head! it was nice to be in manning alberta for a few days- it was a chance to breath and collect myself again. i also had my fill of grandma's famous buns, strawberry freezer jam, and brown bread! (all my cousins are burning with envy right about now) our family feuds are over who got more of grandma's home made goodies.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

saying good bye

well i finally found some time to put an entry into my blog. i'm a little behind; i have about three post that i'm going to cram into one so this might be a little longer than expected. i have to say that i am overwhelmed by the love, support, and encouragement i received from all of you ( and by you i mean my family and friends, my coworkers at Anton's and their family,all my brothers and sisters at Maranatha and my church family at RMCC.) before i left for this amazing adventure. i feel so blessed. When they say you don't know what you have until it's gone, and though i know my "in person" connection with you is not forever gone but rather put on hold by distance, i still feel enough of a loss to realize what i have always had. so i extend a large Thank you for the large impact you have had in my life.

Friday, March 2, 2007

practice run!!

hey friends,

this will be my first official posting!! most of this is just for fun as i am learning for the first time how this hole blog world works. i wanted to get this stuff figured out before i am miles away!! sorry this seems so random but i am testing out every possible tool available to me on this fascinating post outlet!!

who is that?