Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Move'n to a new location!

To continue following the adventurous life of Salena who has now joined forces with Nat Zook please go to and you can read of our introduction in Africa, our gun shot wedding (with out the pregnancy part!) in Canada, our current lives in Pennsylvania USA, and our future plans for the mission field of Africa!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

this whorl wind we call life

so i promised i would continue publishing posts and as you can see by the sudden gaps in entry dates i haven't exactly kept my promise. i guess the bustling life of the western world hit me between the eyes and rendered me ineffective to ward it off it's demands of appointments, commitments, and social events. it has been three month since i arrived home from Africa and i finally have the time and energy to sit in front of my laptop and give an update. i am simply amazed how i haven't gone into the loonie bin after experiencing seven months submerged in the simplicity of the Mozambican life style. a life style that allowed these children's school class to be put on hold because they were intrigued with their teachers ability to play a real guitar..... not a cheep home made one, crafted together with an old tin can and some fishing line. a life style that was not about making a million dollars or climbing the corporate ladder but was rather about just being, enjoying life.......enjoying time. a lifestyle i so desperately miss.
aaaww! now my heart wrenches because as much as i miss Africa who in their right mind wouldn't want to come home to this!!!
i can't tell you how much i have missed my family and i am so glade to be back here to see everyone again.
here is a brief update of my travels since leaving Africa.
took a short, one week, trip home to see my family. then traveled down to Ohio to met Nat's family. aaahhh, and what to say about the United States of America....... there are three things this country has way to much of.....highway tole booths (over five tole boots in the stretch of one day each charging 50 cents to a dollar......could some one please explain the logic here?), semi trucks, and all country radio stations.
i must say i loved Nat's family and i did love the Amish ambiance of Pennsylvania. also met some great friends of Nat's who have warmly excepted this wild Canadian.
during our two months in the States, where we drove back and forth from Pennsylvania to Ohio more times than i would like to remember; Nat and i spoke at a few churches to share what we experienced in Africa and the ever growing need for willing hearts to step in and help the needy families we personally encountered. i don't particularly enjoy public speaking but every cent raised was worth the quivering knees and sweaty palms!
ok, so a crazy thing happened on December 9th. Nat and i got engaged! our wedding is in three weeks! (hence the reason my blogspot has been collecting dust) if you would like to hear the full story of how we met, pictures of Africa, and Nat's proposal visit our wedding sit at
so this is where i leave you. i just had the trip of a life time and met some wonderful people with beautiful spirits half way across the world. and in the midst of that i found a man i am honored to spend the rest of my life with. i am truly living a dream and i hope to never wake up!